Capturing your stories in words, pictures, film and events
For centuries, and in every culture around the world, people have told stories for entertainment, for education, to preserve cultural traditions and to instill moral values. Storytelling predates writing as a form of communication and remains a powerful force today.
And we believe storytelling has a part to play in the corporate world too, where good communication is key to success. We work with organisations of all shapes and sizes to capture and celebrate their stories as well as providing marketing and PR support to help them to raise the profile of their brand, drive behaviour and support their business objectives.
Welcome to Jackanory.

We believe in the power of stories
and we're not the only ones
Covid Kindness UK:2020
And so shines a good deed in a weary world...
An exclusive Jackanory book in tribute to the hard work, adaptability and kindness during the Covid-19 pandemic, with all proceeds going to good causes.